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Revolutionary cancer treatment, good news for hopeless patients

Now you can go to Korea and find hope.

Supplimental Cancer Clinic

Everyone suffers from large and small ailments during their lifetime. In particular, cancer has long been a terrifying disease that has long been thought to be an incurable disease, with no known cause and no cure. However, with the remarkable development of modern medicine, cancer is no longer an incurable disease.

If you had cancer, what would you most fear? Of course, to feel that the shadow of death is near is the biggest fear in itself, isn't it? Then you would imagine the fear of surgery and excruciating pain.

Cancer Treatments



When cancer is diagnosed, radiation chemotherapy, commonly called “Chemo,” is chosen as the last treatment option, but it is controversial because of its many side effects, such as weakening the immune system due to the weakening of the body by destroying even normal cells. Some people even say that chemotherapy can lead to an earlier death.


Dr. Kim's Treatment

Recently, overcoming the shortcomings and limitations of this chemotherapy and more effective complementary therapies are continuously being developed, which gives great hope to those who have advanced diseases in particular.

Dr. Kim Chang-seok of Korea developed an innovative cancer treatment method without surgery or pain by finding out whether the condition was diagnosed and metastasized through blood tests based on the papers verified by SCI (Science Citation Index).

He said, “There is really no place to heal those who have given up in large hospitals. Because chemotherapy or radiation therapy is no longer available. For these people, I treat cancer using minerals, vitamins, and plant extracts (turmeric, chitosan, etc.) that have been verified through various tests conducted in general hospitals and SCI papers.”


Who need Therapy?

His innovative treatment can be good news for the following people.

  1. Those who did not need chemotherapy or radiation treatment when cancer was first confirmed at the hospital (those who have metastasized to stage 3 or higher, etc.). Those who have been recommended to receive hospice or to organize their lives at home, want to do their best to receive treatment

  2. Those who do not get better even after several times of chemotherapy or radiation therapy at a   hospital.

  3. Those who have regular examinations after treatment is complete, and those who are concerned about metastasis and recurrence and want to know their current condition.

Treatment by these therapies is carried out comfortably without pain or surgery.

Dr.Kim's treatment procedure

1. You come to the Clinic and get tested.

As well as this test result, we use all the tests you have ever received (blood tests, equipment tests; CT, MRI, PECT, biopsies) and various tests performed at our clinic, namely blood tests (minerals, vitamins, organ function tests, cancer marker tests, etc.) and other special tests done by the hospital).

2. Treatment guidelines

Based on the test results, the current condition is determined and treatment guidelines are established. Among the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients in our body, some components have a large amount in the blood depending on the progress of cancer, and some components have a small amount. Based on the results of the examination, considering the patient's previous treatment and condition, the cause of excess or deficiency is identified and treatment guidelines are established.

3. Follow up results

Treatment results are followed up at monthly intervals. Based on the blood tests received when a patient first came to our hospital (minerals, vitamins, functional tests for each organ, cancer marker tests, and other special tests performed at our hospital), re-examination is performed to make up for or exceed the previous tests. It measures the response to treatment through special tests that measure cancer activity, whether the drugs used are still insufficient even after supplementation or whether the drugs used are damaging to various organs.

Even after successful cancer surgery, what many patients worry about is metastasis. Another characteristic of Dr. Kim's treatment is to prevent cancer from metastasis.

Dr.Kim's Treatment

He inhibits various substances that promote metastasis of cancer, replenishes the deficient ingredients consumed, lowers the increased portion of toxicity that promotes metastasis, and injects substances that inhibit the formation of blood vessels that are the pathway for cancer metastasis.

Cancer requires blood vessels to metastasize. Among the substances that aid in the formation of blood vessels and those that interfere, there are some that play an important role: minerals and vitamins. So, find these minerals and vitamins and make up for what you lack. If you have a lot of angiogenic substances, you can lower them with phytochemicals that get rid of them. In this way, he treated a 70-year-old patient with stage 4 lung cancer at a hospital in Busan with minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals. Also, he cured a man in his 50s who could not receive surgery with liver cancer that was 9 cm or more and spread to various places.

He treated more than 1/2 of a stage 4 lung cancer patient who had given up at a large hospital in 82 days with minerals and vitamins.

About Dr.Kim

Dr. Kim, who passed the U.S. medical examination at a young age and conducted pediatric regenerative research and cancer metastasis research at New York University, has patiently developed innovative cancer treatments he researched and developed for over 20 years.

He is also planning a special low-cost program that can detect various cancers through blood tests. It is the latest medical technology to diagnose whether you have cancer by analyzing the lab test results of the blood samples.

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